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one evening her phone rang. Trish Dunne? a womans voice asked politely. Yes, whos calling, please? My name is Katherine Solomon. Trish almost fainted on the spot. Katherine Solomon? I just read your bookNoetic Science: Modern Gateway to Ancient Wisdomand I wrote about it on my blog! Yes, I know, the wo canada goose -40 man replied graciously. Thats why Im calling. Of course it is, Trish realized, feeling dumb. Even brilliant scientists Google themselves. Your canada goose -40 blog intrigues me, Katherine told her. I wasnt aware metasystems modeling had come so far. Yes, maam, Trish managed, starstruck. Data models are an exploding technology with far-reaching applications. For several minutes, the two women chatted about Trishs work in metasystems, discussing her experience analyzing, modeling, and predicting the flow of

Id like a word in private. As Director Sato led Chief Anderson out of earshot, Langdon stood alone in bewilderment. What the hell is going on here canada goose -40 ? And what is SBB XIII? Chief Anderson wondered how this night could possibly get any stranger. The hand says SBB13? He was amazed any outsider had even heard of SBB . . . much less SBB13. Peter Solomons index finger, it seemed, was not dir canada goose -40 ecting them upward as it had appeared . . . but rather was pointing in quite the opposite direction. Director Sato led Anderson over to a quiet area near the bronze statue of Thomas Jefferson. Chief, she said, I trust you know exactly where SBB Thirteen is located? Of course. Do you know whats inside? No, not without looking. I dont think its been used in decades. Well, youre going to open it up. Anderson did

chamber. Its not a wall, he said. Anderson and Sato stepped closer, peering intently. Its a canvas, Langdon said. But it billowed, Sato said quickly. Yes, in a very strange way. Langdon examined the surface more closely. The sheen on the canvas had refracted the candlelight in a startling manner because the canvas had just billowed away from the room . . . fluttering backward through the plane of the rear wall. Langdon extended his outstretched fingers very gently, pressing the canvas backward canada goose -40 . Startled, he yanked his hand back. Theres an opening! Pull it aside, Sato ordered. Langdons heart pounded wildly now. He reached up and clutched the edge of the canvas banner, slowly pulling the fabric to one side. He stared in disbelief at what lay hidden behind it. My God. Sato and And canada goose -40 erson stood

The prison photos were horrific, and the media callously aired them all, even long after the Solomons private burial ceremony. Peters wife never forgave him for failing to free Zachary, and their marriage came to an end six months later. Peter had been alone ever since. It was years later that Ka canada goose -40 therine, Peter, and their mother, Isabel, were gathered quietly for Christmas. The pain was still a presence in their family, but mercifully it was fading with each passing year. The pleasant rattle of pots and pans now echoed from the kitchen as their mother prepared the traditional feast. Out in the conservatory, Peter and Katherine were enjoying a baked Brie and relaxed holiday canada goose -40 conversation. Then came an utterly unexpected sound. Hello, Solomons, an airy voice said behind them. Startled,

Are you sure the X-ray showed it was hollow? With a capstone inside? It did, Langdon said, moving next to Katherine and scrutinizing the mysterious box. He and Katherine peered at the box from different angles, attempting to find a way in. Got it, Katherine said as her fingernail located the hidden slit along one of the boxs top edges. She set the box down on the desk and then carefully pried open the lid, which rose smoothly, like the top of a fine jewelry box. When the lid fell back, Langdon and Katherine both drew audible breaths. The interior of the box seemed to be glowing. The inside was canada goose -40 shining with an almost supernatural effulgence. Katherine had never seen a piece of gold this large, and it took her an instant to r canada goose -40 ealize that the precious metal was simply reflecting the radiance

take the Red, Blue, or Orange lines in any of six dif canada goose -40 ferent directions. They jumped out of the taxi at Freedom Plaza, and Langdon took over, doing some improvising of his own, leaving a trail to the Masonic Memorial in Alexandria before he and Katherine ran down into the subway station, canada goose -40 dashing past the Blue Line platforms and continuing on to the Red Line, where they caught a train in the opposite direction. Traveling six stops northbound to Tenleytown, they emerged all alone into a quiet, upscale neighborhood. Their destination, the tallest structure for miles, was immediately visible on the horizon, just off Massachusetts Avenue on a vast expanse of manicured lawn. Now off the grid, as Katherine called it, the two of them walked across the damp grass. On their right was a medieval-style

them. Langdon could see a glowing red dot dancing on his chest. Nice to see you again, Professor, said a familiar raspy voice. The agents parted, and the tiny form of Director Sato sliced effortlessly through, crossing the sitting room and stopping directly in front of Langdon. Youve made some exceedingly poor choices tonight. The police found Peter Solomon, Langdon declared forcefully. Hes in bad shape, but hell canada goose -40 live. Its over. If Sato was surprised Peter had been found, she did not show it. Her eyes were unflinching as she walked to Langdon and stopped only inches away. Professor, I can assure you, this is nowhere near over. And if the police are now involved, it has only become more s canada goose -40 erious. As I told you earlier this evening, this is an extremely delicate situation. You never should

Bellamys canada goose -40 finger. The secret hides within The Order. Franklin Square. Eight . . . Franklin Square, Katherine had told Malakh. She had also admitted that CIA agents were staking out Franklin Square, hoping to capture Malakh and also figure out what order was being referenced by the capstone. The Masons? The Shriners? The Rosicrucians? None of these, Malakh now knew. Langdon saw the truth. Ten minutes earlier, with liquid rising around his face, the Harvard professor had figured out the key to solving the pyramid. The Order Eight Franklin Sq canada goose -40 uare! he had shouted, terror in his eyes. The secret hides within The Order Eight Franklin Square! At first, Malakh failed to understand his meaning. Its not an address! Langdon yelled, his mouth pressed to the Plexiglas window. The Order Eight Franklin