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Peters hand, placed it in a clear specimen bag, and gave it to Sato. She slipped it into her jacket pocket, and then turned to Langdon. Were leaving, Professor. Bring your things. Where are we going? Langdon replied. Just follow Mr. Anderson. Yes, Anderson thought, and follow me closely. The SBB was a section of the Capitol that few ever visited. To reach it, they would pass through a sprawling labyrinth of ti canada goose outlet ny chambers and tight passages buried beneath the crypt. Abraham Lincolns youngest son, Tad, had once gotten lost down there and almost perished. Anderson was starting to suspect that if Sato had her way, Robert Langdon might suffer a similar fate. CHAPTER 27 Systems security specialist Mark Zoubianis had always prided himself on his ability to multitask. At the canada goose outlet moment, he was seated

pyramid. I want a closer look. She began making room on the desk by shoving the skull and crossed bones to one side with no reverence whatsoever. Langdon was starting to feel like they were common grave robbers, desecrating a personal shrine. Anderson maneuvered past Langdon, reached into the niche, and clamped his large palms on either side of the pyramid. Then, barely able to lift at this awkward angle, he slid the pyramid toward him and lowered it with a hard thud onto the wood canada goose outlet en desk. He stepped back to give Sato room. The director repositioned the candle close to the pyramid a canada goose outlet nd studied its polished surface. Slowly, she ran her tiny fingers over it, examining every inch of the flat top, and then the sides. She wrapped her hands around to feel the back, then frowned in apparent

My God, are you hurt?! Katherine shook her head, mute with shock. Outside the shattered glass door, the masked man had clambered to his feet and was running into the woods, clutching his side as he ran. Peter Solomon glanced back to make sure his mother and sister were safe, and seeing they were fine, he held the pistol and raced out the door after the intruder. Katherines mother held her hand, trembling. Thank heavens youre okay. Then suddenly her mother pulled away. Ka canada goose outlet therine? Youre bleeding! Theres blood! Youre hurt! Katherine saw the blood. A lot of blood. It was all over her. But she felt no pain. Her mother frantically searched Katherines body for a wound. Where does it hurt! Mom, I dont know, I dont fee canada goose outlet l anything! Then Katherine saw the source of the blood, and she went cold. Mom,

running out of time. Sato arrived at First Street just as a black Escalade SUV with dark windows roared across the double yellow and skidded to a stop in front of her at their rendezvous point. A lone agent got out. Any word yet on Langdon? Sato demanded. Confidence is high, the man said, emotionless. Ba canada goose outlet ckup just arrived. All library exits are surrounded. We even have air support coming in. Well flush him with tear gas, and hell have nowhere to run. And Bellamy? Tied up in the backseat. Good. Her shoulder was still smarting. The agent handed Sato a plastic Ziploc bag containing cell phone, keys, and wallet. Bellamys effects. Nothing else? No, maam. The pyramid and package must still be with Langdon. Okay canada goose outlet , Sato said. Bellamy knows plenty hes not telling. Id like to question him personally.

doors. Do we just knock? Katherine asked. Langdon had been wondering the same thing, ex canada goose outlet cept that now one of the doors was creaking open. Whos there? a frail voice said. The face of a withered old man appeared in the doorway. He wore priests robes and a blank stare. His eyes were opaque and white, clouded with cataracts. My name is Robert Langdon, he replied. Katherine Solomon and I are seeking sanctuary. The blind man exhaled in relief. Thank God. Ive been expecting you. CHAPTER 80 Warren Bellamy felt a sudden ray of hope. Inside the Jungle, Director Sato had just received a phone call from a field agent and had immediately flown into a tirade. Well, you damn well better find them! she shouted into her phone canada goose outlet . Were running out of time! She had hung up and was now stalking back and forth in

in the SUV. The agent nodded and spoke into his transc canada goose outlet eiver. Send who in? Langdon said. The only person who has any hope of fixing the goddamn mess you made! What mess? Langdon fired back. Now that Peter is safe, everything is For Christs sake! Sato exploded. This is not about Peter! I tried to tell you that at the Capitol Building, Professor, but you chose to work against me rather than with me! Now youve made an ungodly mess! When you destroyed your cell phone, which, by the way, we were tracking, you cut off your communication with this man. And this address you uncoveredwhatever the hell it isthis address was our one chance to catch this lunatic. I needed you to play his game, to p canada goose outlet rovide him with this address so we would know where the hell to catch him! Before Langdon could reply,

suddenly make sense in a different order, he had faith in the ancient promise. Ordo ab chao. Heart racing, he took out a sheet of paper and quickly drew an empty eight-by-eight grid. Then he began inserting the symbols, one by one, in their newly defined positions. Almost immediately, to his astonishment, the grid began making sense. Order from chaos! He completed the entire decryption and stared in disbelief at the solution before him. A stark image had taken shap canada goose outlet e. The jumbled grid had been transfor canada goose outlet med . . . reorganized . . . and although Malakh could not grasp the meaning of the entire message, he understood enough . . . enough to know exactly where he was now headed. The pyramid points the way. The grid pointed to one of the worlds great mystical locations. Incredibly, it was the same