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time is short, she whispered, and I want you to get us down to SBB Thirteen as quickly as possible. Yes, maam. I also need something else from you. In addition to breaking and entering? Anderson was in no position to protest, and yet it had n canada goose sale ot gone unnoticed by him that Sato had arrived within minutes of Peters hand appearing in the Rotunda, and that she now was using the situation to demand access to private sections of the U.S. Capitol. She seemed so far ahead of the curve tonight that she was practically defining it. Sato motioned across the room toward the professor. The duffel bag on Langdons shoulder. Anderson glanced over. canada goose sale What about it? I assume your staff X-rayed that bag when Langdon entered the building? Of course. All bags are scanned. I want to see that X-ray. I want to know

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you want, and get out! The man leveled his gun at Peters chest. And what is it you think I want? Just tell me how much, Solomon said. We dont have money in the house, but I can The monster laughed. Do not insult me. I have not come for money. I have come tonight for Zacharys other birthright. He grinned. canada goose sale He told me about the pyramid. Pyramid? Katherine thought in bewildered terror. What pyramid? Her brother was defiant. I dont know what youre talking about. Dont play dumb with me! Zachary told me what y canada goose sale ou keep in your study vault. I want it. Now. Whatever Zachary told you, he was confused, Peter said. I dont know what youre talking about! No? The intruder turned and aimed the gun at Katherines face. How about now? Peters eyes filled with terror. You must believe me! I dont know what it is

up to the light and peered straight down over the capstone. Though small, the inscription was perfectly visiblea small bit of elegantly engr canada goose sale aved tex canada goose sale t on the face of one side. Katherine read the six simple words. Then she read them again. No! she declared. That cant be what it says! Across the street, Director Sato hurried up the long walkway outside the Capitol Building toward her rendezvous point on First Street. The update from her field team had been unacceptable. No Langdon. No pyramid. No capstone. Bellamy was in custody, but he was not telling them the truth. At least not yet. Ill make him talk. She glanced back over her shoulder at one of Washingtons newest vistasthe Capitol Dome framed above the new visitor center. The illuminated dome only accentuated the significance of what was

Washington National Cathedral, Langdon thought, feeling an unexpected anticipation at being back after all these years. Where better to ask about One True God? This cathedral really has ten stones from Mount Sinai? Katherine asked, gazing up at the twin bell towers. Langdon nodded. Near the main altar. They symbolize the Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai. And theres a lunar rock? A rock from heaven itself. Yes. One of the stained-glass windows is call canada goose sale ed the Space Window and has a fragment of moon rock embedded in it. Okay, but you cant be serious about the last thing. Katherine glanced over, her pretty canada goose sale eyes flashing skepticism. A statue of . . . Darth Vader? Langdon chuckled. Luke Skywalkers dark father? Absolutely. Vader is one of the National Cathedrals most popular

the golden capstone, which Langdon realized she had only seen in X-ray. The inscription, Sato demanded. Does it mean anything to you? ‘The secret hides within The Order? Were not sure, maam. Why is the pyramid steaming hot? We submerged it in boiling water canada goose sale , Katherine said without hesitation. It was part of the process of deciphering the code. Well tell you everything, but please let us go see my brother. Hes been through You boiled the pyramid? Sato demanded. Turn off the flashlight, Katherine said. Look at the capstone. You can probably still see. The agent flicked off his light, and Sato knelt down before the capstone. Even from where Langdon was standing, he c canada goose sale ould see that the text on the capstone was still glowing slightly. Eight Franklin Square? Sato said, sounding amazed. Yes, maam.

had been about to engulf Langdon entirely, and the professor drew one last desperate breath and shouted out something about a famous Mason . . . an American forefather . . . a scientist, mystic, mathematician, inventor . . . as well as the creator of the mystical kamea that bore his name to this day. Franklin. In a flash, Malakh knew Langdon was right. Now, breathless with anticipation, Malakh sat upstairs at his laptop. He ran a quick Web search, received dozens of hits, chose one, and began reading. THE ORDER EIGHT FRANKLIN SQUARE One of historys best-known magic squares is the order-eight square published in 1769 by American scientist Benjamin Frankl canada goose sale in, and which became famous for its inclusion of never-before-seen bent diagonal summations. Franklins obsession with this mystical canada goose sale art