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Katherines gray eyes focused in on her now. Trish, might I ask about the ethical dilemma posed by your work? What do you mean? I mean you created a piece of software that can easily be abused. Those who possess it have access to powerful information not available to everyone. You didnt feel any hesitation creating it? Trish didnt blink. Absolutely not. My software is no different than say . . . a flight simulator program. Some users will practice flying first-aid missions into underdeveloped countries. Some users canada goose jackets will practice flying passenger jets into skyscrapers. Knowledge is a tool, and like all tools, its impact is in the h canada goose jackets ands of the user. Katherine sat back, looking impressed. So let me ask you a hypothetical question. Trish suddenly sensed their conversation had just turned into a

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When she told the agent where she wanted to take Bellamy, she expected the man to look surprised, but he simply nodded and opened the passenger door for her, his cold stare revealing nothing. Sato loved professionals. Langdon stood in the basement of the Adams Building and stared in disbelief at the elegantly inscribed words on the canada goose jackets face of the golden capstone. Thats all it says? Beside him, Katherine held the capstone under the light and shook her head. Theres got to be more, she insisted, sounding cheated. This is what my brother has been protecting all these years? Langdon had to admit he was mystified. According to Peter and Bellamy, this capstone was supposed to help them decipher the stone pyramid. In light of those claims, Langdon had expected something illuminating an canada goose jackets d helpful. More

man, Sato continued, told you that he had sent Robert Langdon to the Capitol Building and given Langdon a task to complete . . . a task that required your help. He warned that if Langdon failed in this task, your friend Peter Solomon would die. Panicked, you called all of Peters numbers but failed to reach him. Understandably, you then raced to the Capitol. Bellamy could no canada goose jackets t imagine how Sato knew about this phone call. As you fled the Capitol, Sato said behind the smoldering tip of her cigarette, you sent a text message to Solomons kidnapper, assuring him that you and Langdon had been successful in obtaining the Masonic Pyramid. Where is she getting her information? Bellamy wondered. Not even La canada goose jackets ngdon knows I sent that text message. Immediately after entering the tunnel to the Library of

is safe! Bellamy nodded, looking dazed, as if nothing mattered anymore. Yes, I just heard your conversation. Im glad. Warren, what the hell is going on? Sato intervened. You boys can catch up in a minute. Right now, Mr. Bellamy is going to reach out to this lunatic and communicate with him. Just like hes been doing all night. Langdon felt lost. Bellamy hasnt canada goose jackets been communicating with this guy tonight! This guy doesnt even know Bellamy is involved! Sato turned to Bellamy and raised her eyebrows. Bellamy sighed. Rober canada goose jackets t, Im afraid I havent been entirely honest with you this evening. Langdon could only stare. I thought I was doing the right thing . . . Bellamy said, looking frightened. Well, Sato said, now you will do the right thing . . . and wed all better pray to God it works. As if to

thinking now of that experiment . . . was bringing her an unexpected solace. As a young girl, Katherine Solomon had often wondered if there was life after death. Does heaven exist? What happens when we die? As she grew older, her studies in science quickly canada goose jackets erased any fanciful notions of heaven, hell, or the afterlife. The concept canada goose jackets of life after death, she came to accept, was a human construct . . . a fairy tale designed to soften the horrifying truth that was our mortality. Or so I believed . . . A year ago, Katherine and her brother had been discussing one of philosophys most enduring questionsthe existence of the human soulspecifically the issue of whether or not humans possessed some kind of consciousness capable of survival outside of the body. They both sensed that such a human soul